Optimizing for Bandwidth on Apache and Nginx

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This post originally appeared on Webmaster Central
by Jeff Kaufman, Make the Web Fast

Webmaster level: advanced
Everyone wants to use less bandwidth: hosts want lower bills, mobile users want to stay under their limits, and no one wants to wait for unnecessary bytes. The web is full of opportunities to save bandwidth: pages served without gzip, stylesheets and JavaScript served unminified, and unoptimized images, just to name a few.
So why isnt the web already optimized for bandwidth? If these savings are good for everyone then why havent they been fixed yet? Mostly its just been too much hassle. Web designers are encouraged to "save for web" when exporting their artwork, but they dont always remember.  JavaScript programmers dont like working with minified code because it makes debugging harder. You can set up a custom pipeline that makes sure each of these optimizations is applied to your site every time as part of your development or deployment process, but thats a lot of work.

An easy solution for web users is to use an optimizing proxy, like Chromes. When users opt into this service their HTTP traffic goes via Googles proxy, which optimizes their page loads and cuts bandwidth usage by 50%.  While this is great for these users, its limited to people using Chrome who turn the feature on and it cant optimize HTTPS traffic.

With Optimize for Bandwidth, the PageSpeed team is bringing this same technology to webmasters so that everyone can benefit: users of other browsers, secure sites, desktop users, and site owners who want to bring down their outbound traffic bills. Just install the PageSpeed module on your Apache or Nginx server [1], turn on Optimize for Bandwidth in your configuration, and PageSpeed will do the rest.

If you later decide youre interested in PageSpeeds more advanced optimizations, from cache extension and inlining to the more aggressive image lazyloading and defer JavaScript, its just a matter of enabling them in your PageSpeed configuration.

Learn more about installing PageSpeed or enabling Optimize for Bandwidth.

[1] If youre using a different web server, consider running PageSpeed on an Apache or Nginx proxy.  And its all open source, with porting efforts underway for IIS, ATS, and others.

Posted by Mano Marks, Google Developer Platform Team

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